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Seiko labels

Smart Label Printer guarantees high print quality, thanks to the use of special thermal paper with increased resistance to abrasion and thermal factors, long-term durability of labels. A wide range of labels, in various sizes and colors, dedicated to many applications, allows you to meet the highest demands of customers.

etykiety Seiko Smart Label Printer


Areas of application of thermal labels:

Labels are available in our online store Goto Shop

Labels size Labels in roll Pcs. in pack Color Application
ST-MRL 28x51mm 220pcs. 1 White Universal, mailing
ST-2RLH 28x89mm 260pcs. 1 White Universal, mailing
ST-2RLE 36x89mm 250pcs. 1 White Universal, for binders
ST-SRL 54x101mm 220pcs. 1 White Universal, mailing, for binders
SLP-27210 9x71mm 150pcs. 1 White For cassette 8mm
SLP-35L 11x38mm 300pcs. 1 White For slides
SLP-JEWEL  11×51.5mm 320pcs. 1 White Jewelry
SLP-FLW 14x87mm 130pcs. 2 White Universal
SLP-FLB 14x87mm 130pcs. 2 Blue Universal
SLP-FLG 14x87mm 130pcs. 2 Green Universal
SLP-FLR 14x87mm 130pcs. 2 Red Universal
SLP-4AFL 14x87mm 130pcs. 4 Red, Green,
blue, white
SLP-RTNC 15x51mm 220pcs. 2 Transparent Address (sender)
SLP-VSL 19x174mm 75pcs. 2 White For VHS cassette
SLP-MRL  28x51mm 220pcs.  2 White Universal
SLP-MRLC 28x51mm 220pcs. 2 Transparent Universal
SLP-TMRL 28x51mm 220pcs. 2 White Strengthened
SLP-TRL 28x89mm 130pcs. 2 White Strengthened
Address / universal
SLP-1BLB 28x89mm 130pcs. 1 Blue Address / universal
SLP-1GLB 28x89mm 130pcs. 1 Green Universal
SLP-1OLB 28x89mm 130pcs. 1 Orange Universal
SLP-1PLB 28x89mm 130pcs. 1 Pink Universal
SLP-1YLB 28x89mm 130pcs. 1 Yellow Universal
SLP-4AST 28x89mm 130pcs. 4 Yellow, green,
blue, pink
SLP-CHR 28x89mm 130pcs. 1 Red-green Holiday
SLP-RLCL 28x89mm 130pcs. 1 Transparent
SLP-RTL 37x37mm 560pcs. 2 10mm without glue, with perforation
SLP-FN 38x190mm 110pcs. 1 White For binders
SLP-VTL 46x78mm 150pcs. 2 White na kasety VHS/front
SLP-FN 38x190mm 110pcs. 1 White For binders
SLP-FW 54x190mm 110pcs. 1 White For binders
SLP-ZIP 51x60mm 220pcs. 1 White For floppy disk
SLP-DRL 54x70mm 320pcs. 1 White For floppy disk
SLP-NB 54x70mm 160pcs. 1 With a blue border For floppy disk
SLP-NR 54x70mm 160pcs. 1 With a red border For floppy disk
SLP-SRL 54x101mm 220pcs. 1 White Mailings
SLP-SRLC 54x101mm 220pcs. 1 Transparent Mailings
SLP-RDO Width 54mm 120pcs. 1 Orange Round
SLP-RND Width 28mm 120pcs. 2 White Round
